Planning your trip to Babel and Siem Reap? 

We are here to help you!

What should you make sure to have ready before you leave your home? 

Passport. Make sure to have a valid passport. To enter Cambodia your passport must be: valid for at least 6 months from the date you arrive in Cambodia. Undamaged and Complete - entry is refused if you have a damaged passport or pages missing.

Visa. There are two options for a tourist visa:  visa on arrival, or e-visa. 

This is the website for the e-visa. Do not use any other websites.

Upon arrival in Cambodia travelers can show the printed copy of the visa letter and get their passport stamped. 

Visa on arrival can be obtained at any Cambodian border, by air or by land. The price is 30 USD. There is no longer a requirement to bring a passport photo. The visa fee can ONLY be paid in US Dollar notes. They do not accept damaged, old or torn US dollar notes. No credit card, QR payments or other currencies are excepted. 

Arrival Card. Everyone entering Cambodia has previously been given a paper called “Arrival Card” that needs to be filled out for immigration. 

From 1 July 2024, all passengers traveling to Cambodia will be required to submit an electronic arrival card, this can be done up to 7 days before arrival. For those who do not have time to submit the card prior to arrival, don't worry, tablets and Wi-Fi are available at airports.

This new 'Cambodia e-arrival card' can be accessed and submitted only via the official website here: or through Apple's App Store and Google Play Store. The same platform can also be used to reserve a visa on arrival.

Some useful facts

Currency. Do not bring old, damaged US dollar notes. These cannot be used in Cambodia. Cambodia is in a process of de-dollarization, and prefers the local currency, Riel. In general, 1 USD equals 4000 Riel. Most “western” business will still have their prices in US dollars, and not in Riel. Everyone accepts the local currency (Except for at the Visa counter!)

New Airport. The old airport closed, and the new international airport opened in October 2023. This had a huge impact on all of us, but especially our loyal tuk tuk drivers who had been picking up our guests for over two decades. This first impression, meeting our wonderful drivers and being taken through the city in an open-air tuktuk, is now something that is in the past. 

We are still providing a pick-up service for our guests, but only with cars and minivans.  The new airport is almost an hour away, and the road is not safe for a tuk tuk. We now have a great group of drivers with cars and minivans, and we follow the official rate of the airport for our pick-ups. Please contact us directly if you are interested!

We also have booster seats and baby car seats available. 

Electrical plugs. Both our guesthouse and the hotel have international plugs.

Type A, Type C, Type G

Sim cards. Can be bought at the airport or at any phone shop in town. You will see plenty of signs offering “Tourist sim”.

Crime. Cambodia is generally a very safe country for tourists.

Keep an eye out and protect your belongings. Petty theft can happen in crowded places (as anywhere else). Most incidents of theft are bag snatchings, often by thieves riding past on motorbikes.

To protect yourself and your belongings:

  • use a hotel safe for your valuables

  • take extra care at night and in isolated areas and stick to well-used, well-lit roads

  • minimise the items you carry with you

  • carry bags on the side of you that is furthest from the road

  • do not place bags in the front basket of bicycle

Road travel. Road safety can vary considerably across the country. Unfortunately a lot of drivers do not drive safely or respect traffic laws. Drinking and driving is common, and often the cause of accidents, especially around major holidays. Make sure to exercise caution when driving or walking. Be particularly vigilant during the holiday periods. Travel after dark significantly increases the risk of accidents. However, the road standard in Cambodia continues to improve, but dogs, cows and trucks driving too fast, is still a huge reason for road accidents. Please ask us for recommended bus companies and taxi drivers.

LGBT+ travellers. Same-sex relationships are legal in Cambodia. The LGBT+ community is becoming more visible, through gay clubs, club nights and the work of some human rights organisations.

When to visit? Anytime!

We love Siem Reap all throughout the year! 

The winter months of November to February are the busiest season in town, and prices do tend to go up a bit. Book early if you would like to come for Christmas and New Years. The New Years celebration is popular with both locals and tourists, gathering around the river and in pub street to count down to the new year.  

November is a beautiful month to visit. Temperatures are not too high, and our town is green and lush after months of rain. November also brings the festive celebrations of the Water festival. This festival celebrates the end of the monsoon season, and the reversal of the flow of the Tonle Sap Lake. Our beautiful riverside gets lively with plenty of street food, games and festivities for almost a week. Both our hotels are located a short walk from the river. 

December and January are peak months in Siem Reap. Mostly because of the very pleasant weather, and low humidity. The rain has stopped and the temperatures can go down to as low as 16 -18 celsius in the early mornings and evenings. Siem Reap celebrates both Christmas and New Years, and our town gets very festive. If you're looking for a fancy dinner or brunch to celebrate, there are plenty of alternatives available. 

February and March are still busy months where the temperature is normally very pleasant and the town is still green. 

April means HOT in Cambodia. It also means it's time for the Khmer New Years celebrations. This is a very fun time to visit, if you're ready for it. Temperatures will hit the low 40’s during the day, and spending time in the pool is a must. It is also mango season! The streets of Siem Reap will be filled with locals selling delicious, juicy mangoes for as low as 25 cents per kilo. Be sure to try our Mango Margaritas and Mango Daiquiris!

Khmer New Year celebration is the busiest time in Siem Reap (mostly local tourists). Watch the entire town have a blast with water fights for 3 days, non-stop. If you are here for the celebrations, make sure to join the fun and get wet! 

May usually brings in the rain, and the beginning of the monsoon season, or green season as we prefer to call it. All the dust will be washed away and the temperatures will drop after the heavy rainfalls. 

June, July and August are pleasant months to visit. The town, the temples and the tonle sap lake has gotten some much needed rain, and the temperatures are not as high anymore. 

September and October are the most quiet months in Cambodia. This means you can get some pretty good deals! The countryside is absolutely beautiful, and so are the temples. The rain will mostly happen in the afternoons and evenings, so make sure to get out and about in the mornings. Bring a lightweight raincoat or poncho.